Josh and I have both had a whirlwind end to the school-year. It felt as though we were running on full speed for weeks. Yesterday was Josh’s final day for the 2009-2010 school year… so now we can take time to rest & slow down.
Here are the highlights of the past 2 months:
Stacie attended a Marzano Workshop with some ladies from work. It was inspiring, refreshing, and fun! We stayed at a waterpark… so of course we hit the water slides at night!
Cary & I (Cary & I are teaching partners & friends!)
The group of us after dinner & drinks posing for a picture!
Josh and Larry installed a new garage door opener complete with remotes for the cars! No more running through the rain to close the garage door & hop back into the car drenched! (Our house came with an opener that worked intermittently and had no remotes)
Max & Ruby continue to make us laugh! They love to sit on either side of the baby-gate and and play “paw-tag”
Ruby’s favorite place to lounge is on Abbie’s bed… we giggle saying she likes it because she’s camoflauged.
I finally found the perfect duvet cover for our room!
Stacie riding the Primary School float in the Fun Days Parade
Our Little Man made it through one of life’s big milestones and is now excited to move into the Primary School
Grampa Fred flew up from Mexico and stayed almost 2 weeks with us! He was able to celebrate many things with all the grandkids while he was here. He also became Mr. Mom, driving the carpool around!
A special dinner to celebrate all of us!
The pool has been patiently waiting for a face lift and finally, weather permitting, it happens!!
The water truck was not avaliable on the day we needed it, so I ran all over town renting fire hose, 800 feet to be exact.
Once the guys got the liner in and wrinkle free, the filling began!
and that night, as chilly as the water was… the kids still went for a swim!
Our super-cool & energy-efficient washer & dryer are in and working beautifully! We plan to paint the laundry room a water-blue and I have a cute rug to lay on the floor once the paint is up!
James has turned into a super-science kid… so his room is transforming from a bedroom to a science room. We organized the science mess last night… we plan to paint the walls and add some animals to the walls… but for now we have a start with critters & a science table!
and I saved the BEST for last… Monday morning we are headed out on the open road for a trip in the RV!!!
(some GREAT friends of our dropped this little gift off to us yesterday! I now have a table book for the motorhome!)