Making the Tree Beautiful

I used to fuss over the ornaments on our tree being placed just so, and with many things in life… I’ve had to let go. The kids love to decorate the tree and this year the bottom right side was heavily decorated with James’ very favorite ornaments and most of them were too big and too heavy to be on the small bottom branches, though there they stayed (until Abbie moved them!).

Of course, I’m getting ahead of myself. Before we can add those decorations, we need lights. We got the first string on before realizing they didn’t light up, awesome! After much teamwork, we got the lights figured out and on the tree :-)

Abbie used the ladder to hang decorations up high to off set those really low ones!

And of course, our Cinnamon Bear star.

Here is James topping the tree with our silver star ~

and to be fair, because we are a fair family, here is Abbie topping the tree!

A there we have it. Our perfect & beautiful Christmas tree.

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