Pumpkin Patch

Saturday morning we made our annual trek over to Bi-Zi Farms, a local pumpkin patch, to search for pumpkins, sip on warm cocoa, look at farm animals, find our way through mazes, enjoy a hay ride, and take part in some good old-fashioned fun! It’s become a tradition since moving down from Alaska to visit this pumpkin patch… only this year we were late arriving at the patch only 24 hours before the BIG day! The plus was very few people. The minus… well, we had to really look for that just-right pumpkin!

We found them no doubt. Though we did spend lots of time looking through this…

Though after searching we each found something great!

James was the first to make his find – the BIGGEST pumpkin!

I found the smallest pumpkin -

Abbie searched and searched. She didn’t want a too-big or too-small or too-tall or too-squat pumpkin.

Josh chose this one, but set it down… misplaced it and ended up with something even better (or so he says!)

With our perfect pumpkins, we walked up the hill to catch a tractor ride back to the festivities.

All smiles on our hay ride!

Abbie was a great sport heading through the little-maze with James

Grinding Corn

and this was super-cool… It pulls all the kernels off and spits the cobb out the other side.

Once home and warmed up, we turned our pumpkins into Jack-O-Lanterns!

What a mess… but a fun-filled day for sure!

4 thoughts on “Pumpkin Patch

  1. We should spend the holiday with you…you are way more festive ideas…we are so ho hum! i suppose if i had a 5 year old in the house i would be more excited…the boys’ are well…more into the scaring people part, but not so much into the fall festive part…

    great photos…love the pumpkins!

    miss you guys!

  2. really good english, huh?

    “you are way more festive ideas”
    i meant “you have way more festive ideas”

    it is definitely thursday and i am ready to start the weekend.

  3. I am in awe of your family. How wonderful, you and Josh’s interaction with your children. You guys were our inspiration to take our youngest, 4 yrs old grandson to Disneyland this summer. Remember I emailed you for suggestions on games and entertainment ideas for a road trip prior to our adventure? We did everything you suggested and the first day and night was fun. The California boarder crossing inspector took all the fruit Bryce’s dad had put in his man bag and the melt down began. We stopped for lunch and Bryce was still having a major cry and wanting to go home. I took him outside and all the folks in the restaurant began to question Steve about what was going on. Evidently he explained it very well because we weren’t arrested for kidnapping but decided we would fly him back to Portland when we arrived in LA. We drove all the way to Steve’s parents home that night. Took him to a water park the next day, Knots Berry Farm the 2nd day and Disney Land the day after that. We had a wonderful time and the weather was great. My advice, don’t ever take a grandchild younger then ten on a trip without Dad and Mom.

    Your pictures tell the family story and I love your blog. Max wants to figure out how to carve the pumpkins.

    Max has turned out to be as beautiful as I expected. I hope your entire family feels safe, secure and happy to have him around you.


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