Max’s 1 Year Anniversary

The 29th of December marked the first full year Max has been a part of our family. The kids could hardly believe it when they realized a year had passed so quickly. Just like a proud Mama, here is a year in photos ~

The night we brought Max home.

He stayed very close to the kids those next few days.

Josh continued the training Steve had started with him.

We took many family walks those first few days.

We bought him this bed, though it made too much noise… Max would not step foot on it. We returned it for a softer, quieter bed.

Max learned to ride in the car.

And quickly figured out the vet office gives out treats if you follow directions!

James and Max bonded quickly. You can often find them snuggling and/or wrestling.

Max and the kids quickly learned they share everything.

Max has learned all about camping RV style.

He has fun on all the adventures we take him on!

Trying to get away with sleeping on our bed with the kids…

Always curious about new things we bring into the house.

Max loves to play rough with Josh.

You normally don’t see one boy without the other.

Happy Easter Max.

helping Granddad & Josh pull out the dishwasher.

The day Max met Ruby.

Family Movie Nights…

Time Out

Can we help cook, girls?

Summer Roadtrip

More summer camping…

James teaching Max how to smile

Max, the 80 pound lap dog!

What a guy! Max has been an incredible addition to our family. I never in a million years would have thought we would have a giganormous dog living with us, and now I can’t imagine life any other way. I look forward to Max waking me up with his damp snout each morning, running up and down the hall each time we give him too much love! Listening to him bark at cats and birds outside (although it does get old – I do love his BIG bark!) He is funny, young-spirited, feisty, yet loving, snuggly, comforting and protective. I just love our boy, Max.

Christmas Day

We were all excited that James slept in until almost 8 o’clock Christmas morning. We started the morning looking through our stockings, my favorite part!

After we enjoyed looking through our stockings and having coffee, tea, and cocoa ~ we moved into the Family Room to see the gifts Santa left…

The kids passed out their gifts

Presents unwrapped…

On to Gramma’s house for snacks. dinner. family. stockings. gifts. fun…

Nana told the kids Christmas stories

Uncle Derek got to spend some time with us in the evening!

~Christmas at Aana & Upa’s House~

Aana made Abbie a new stocking this year.

James was excited to get fishing gear for Christmas!

Abbie sewing Christmas stockings for her friends, 34 socks in all.

Lots of Holiday Activities

Abbie and the middle school band kicked off the holiday season for us with a great holiday concert.

James and all the kids from Country Friends gave us the gift of song…

We had Breakfast with Santa!

Participated in the Tarter Family Christmas Go-Around

Hosted the Primary School Holiday Staff Party

… where we had lots of food & drink

The kids made gingerbread people in the Bonus Room

… and spent lots of time running around bouncing off walls!

James ‘sciencing’ and tree that turns into a snowman in water. He received this in the mail from some special friends!

James loving on Max every second he gets… Max loving the snuggles!

We met Gramma on Christmas eve for a holiday cocktail and snacks on the Columbia River

Stacie sporting the new apron she received in the mail from a good friend! Getting ready to make the annual Christmas morning cinnamon rolls. Yum!

Making the Tree Beautiful

I used to fuss over the ornaments on our tree being placed just so, and with many things in life… I’ve had to let go. The kids love to decorate the tree and this year the bottom right side was heavily decorated with James’ very favorite ornaments and most of them were too big and too heavy to be on the small bottom branches, though there they stayed (until Abbie moved them!).

Of course, I’m getting ahead of myself. Before we can add those decorations, we need lights. We got the first string on before realizing they didn’t light up, awesome! After much teamwork, we got the lights figured out and on the tree :-)

Abbie used the ladder to hang decorations up high to off set those really low ones!

And of course, our Cinnamon Bear star.

Here is James topping the tree with our silver star ~

and to be fair, because we are a fair family, here is Abbie topping the tree!

A there we have it. Our perfect & beautiful Christmas tree.

Neighborhood Tree Farm

One of the many wonderful things we’ve found since moving into our home is that we have a Christmas tree farm right down our road, which makes finding the perfect tree a simple task! This year the weather was almost warmish and the Littles thought they were going to run all the way to the tree farm, Gramma caught them and loaded them into her car. Abbie and Chandler found the fun seats!

We all searched for our version of the perfect tree.

Maya found her favorite tree and decided to pose there until someone would take her picture!

If you’ll notice we had a couple tree-bugs sneaking out the back of our family photo ~

Maya stayed posed while the rest of the family smiled in front of the tree they chose

Mom had all the kids join around the tree she picked out, which she later realized wasn’t the perfect tree because it leaned to one side very badly and did not like to stay in the stand!

After all the posing, the boys got to work sawing through the trunks while the Littles pushed on the trees and said, ‘timber!’.

The girls helped haul the trees toward the vehicles.

Once the trees were on the strapped down to the vehicles leaving the neighborhood, we had cocoa & peppermint sticks. A family-fun-filled day. It was perfect.

Lights & Decorations!

The kids decorated the little trees they keep in their bedrooms last weekend.

At the same time, I started unpacking my Christmas boxes and have slowly began to decorate the house. Each year I look forward to decorating until I am actually doing it… what alot of work! In the end, it’s always worth it though!

Yesterday was the first day we’ve seen without rain in a very long time. Josh knew he needed to take advantage of the dry day and get up on the roof to hang the lights. They look awesome. I wish I would have taken a picture last night. Our house looked like a perfect little gingerbread house!

Once Josh was on the tippy-top of the roof, he ran out of lights. The kids and I had to decide who was going to brave the ladder and take him the remaining lights.

Chandler gave it a good shot…

In the end, I climbed the ladder onto the roof and tossed the lights to Josh. It was scary up there. It made me appreciate his work and the beauty of our lights even more.

Josh was missing Bill, his light hanging partner. I think the job is more fun and a bit easier with the help of a buddy!

A nighttime photo to come

Tiger Stripes

After months of training, James tested and earned his tiger stripes… He is now officially a Taekwondo white belt.

The night of his test, he was so nervous & excited. Josh went through all the material with James one last time. James had it down with ease… we were just hoping he wouldn’t get stage fright!

Josh sharing his sweet moves…

The test included James doing 100 Round House kicks with both legs. 10 crunches. and some other physically grueling activities for any 5 year-old. I sat and watched almost wishing I’d kept him home at first because it all looked so difficult. He kept up and was having a great time…

In a ceremonial fashion each student came up and did a back-kick to break the board Mr. Chris was holding. James’ board broke into 3 pieces with his 1st kick!

Ms. Teri gave James his tiger stripes while Master Clint signed James’ broken board. What a proud little boy he is.


Every 4 years Josh’s birthday lands on turkey-day. This was one of those years. Josh requested Pizza & Jo-Jo’s. Instead, he got Joshgiving. A somewhat traditional turkey feast, with some of his favorite things. Instead of pumpkin & apple pies we had creme brulee & molton chocolate cakes. It was a day filled with football, food, family, & fun.

Happy Birthday Joshua!

Josh always loves getting those T-shirts with the silly saying. Stephanie is so good at finding the best ones!

Birthday candles & singing…

What a relaxing & fun-filled Joshgiving Day.

Icy Weather = No School

The day before our Thanksgiving holiday was set to begin, the kids and I got an added bonus – an extra day off due to to ice & snow. Josh however did not get so lucky. Instead of sleeping in, he had to brave the roads and head into work! The kids and I spent a lazy day doing not much of anything. James created a map – so he, Max, and I headed off to follow the map into the unknown.

It was chilly out there & we since we don’t have our winter tub out yet, we made due with things we could find around the house. We followed the map uphill & downhill & around a curve. Once we got too cold, we both decided the map was pointing us home.

Once home, James thought it would be fun to slide down the ice-covered driveway on his pockets.

When the sliding was too slow, he stood up & took a run for it… Max thought that looked like fun!

That night, Abbie and Chandler needed something to do, so I put them to work making some of our Thanksgiving Day goodies.They had 2 helpers waiting to assist, if needed!

The girls had fun making Puppy Chow especially once I convinced them to use their hands to mix the chocolate-peanut-buttery-goodness…

I’m thinking they had a good time making something I was kind of dreading… I now know who to call when I need messy snacks made.

Yummy! Great work girls!

Family Movie Night

We love to snuggle into the Family Room with lots of blankets, pillows, and tasty treats to watch movies. We don’t do it very often, so when we do it makes our evening extra-special. Last night we made treats…

The kids filled the room with blankets & pillows…

and we filled our plates and enjoyed Disney’s The Prince of Persia.

A relaxing, quiet evening… perfect!

This doesn’t quite fit into this post, though I’m putting it here anyways. James had a Harvest Party at school this past week. He dressed up as a scarecrow. He makes a great looking one, don’t cha’ think?

Happy Halloween!

Our pretty pumpkins turned into Jack-O-Lanterns. Our children into characters… a day filled with excitement in anticipation of CaNdY & Trick-or-Treats!

Abbie spent the evening with her friends. They spent enough time trick-or-treating to get a bucket filled with treats and a toothbrush! Then the girls spent the rest of the evening hanging out & having fun together.

James decided to retire the vampire and head out as a Fly Fisherman. It was awfully cute to see him lugging the giganormous bucket door to door.

James was dealing with an ear infection on this night and was excited about going out… we decided to head to the high school where he could be warm & cozy indoors and knock on lots of classroom doors!

These are some of Abbie’s friends who handed out candy dressed as volleyball players.

When James knocked on this door he was tricked or rather treated by Miss Ebie!! Miss Ebie is the owner of Country Friends, the school James has attended for the past 3 years. What a fun surprise to see Miss Ebie.

I had to get into the photos cause I dressed up too!

Our Jack-o-Lanterns lit up our front walk well. They were quite creepy!

Abbie’s Cyclops

James’ Creepy-Creeper

Josh’s Mischief Grinning Pumpkin

Stacie with the Fall Leaves Pumpkin… we can’t all be scary!

A frightfully~fun evening.